Three Easy-to-Remember Nutrition Tips

Proper nutrition can seem like an unsolvable equation. Every day we’re learning about new trends and what we should and shouldn’t be eating. While there are always newly discovered ways to stay on top of your nutrition, there are some basics that have proven to be tried and true.

Let’s boil those basics down into three easy-to-remember nutrition tips that you should keep in the back of your mind day in and day out.


Adding more protein to your diet can help you feel fuller, longer. Protein acts as a building block for bones, blood, cartilage, muscles and skin. When picking your protein, opt for lean cuts of meat, fish and poultry. If you’re a vegetarian, but still want to reap the benefits of protein, try alternate sources such as beans, hummus, lentils, nut butters, soybeans/ soy products or quinoa.

Eat your veggies

If you’re looking for a way to feel satisfied without adding a considerable amount of calories to your plate, up your veggie intake! Vegetables are a high-volume, low-calorie food. Fresh or steamed veggies are your best bet, and if you can fill your plate with as much variety, you’re in good shape. If vegetables aren’t your favorite and you have to dress them up a bit in order to eat them, do your best to avoid vegetables that are smothered in rich sauces or mixed with other high-fat additives. On the contrary, a little bit of healthy fats goes a long way. Consider drizzling your vegetables with extra virgin olive oil and either sautéing or roasting them for a savory, satisfying side.

Be a planner

If you’re a caretaker and are in charge of your loved one’s meals, you’ll want to pay close attention to this helpful nutrition tip. Getting organized each weekend and planning out a week’s worth of meals will not only give you peace of mind, but you’ll also be able to ensure that you’re preparing foods that meet your loved one’s nutritional needs. Find your recipes, create a shopping list and do as much preparation as you can ahead of time. While it may seem like a lot to do all at once, as the craziness of a busy week begins to pick up, you’ll rest assured knowing that you and your loved one’s meals are already planned out and ready to be prepared.

If you want to learn more about nutrition and how to create a healthier diet for you and your loved one, schedule an appointment with your primary care physician.

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