“Spring” Into Action to Fight Seasonal Allergies

Did you know that one out of five Americans suffers from asthma and allergies?

Spring is a wonderful time to enjoy the warm weather and to soak up some sunshine, although this season also brings sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes and scratchy throats – the hallmarks of seasonal allergies.

As spring comes into full bloom here are five pieces of advice to help you cope with the symptoms of seasonal allergies, and to avoid potentially making the problem worse!

  1. To avoid allowing pollen and mold to enter your home, invest in an air conditioner and a dehumidifier to help clean the air. At night, especially, make sure that the windows are closed to prevent allergens from entering through the openings. You might also want to invest in a portable high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter for your bedroom. This handy device helps filter the allergens by forcing air through a fine mesh that catches pollen, pet dander, dust mites and other harmful particles.
  2. Take an allergy test. If you believe that you may have a potential allergy to something in the environment, make an appointment with your doctor to get an allergy scratch test. Once it’s been determined which allergen (or allergens) causes the reaction, take the necessary actions to remove them from your home. For example, this may require you to thoroughly clean your house to eliminate dust mites and pollen.
  3. Personal hygiene is very important when it comes to coping with the symptoms and preventing allergies from worsening. For instance, showering and washing your hair before bed can remove any allergens that have been collected throughout the day. Also, wearing sunglasses while outdoors can help prevent irritating particulates from entering your eyes.
  4. Pay attention to pollen conditions. Before heading outside, check your local news for the day’s pollen count to determine whether or not it’s smart to head outdoors. If the pollen counts are too high on a particular day, it’s best for you to stay indoors and to keep the windows sealed tight. Pollen levels tend to peak in the morning hours.
  5. When doing laundry, avoid drying your clothing outside. Line-drying can cause allergens and pollen to stick to the materials and potentially cause problems and for symptoms to worsen.

Though these are five tips to help cope with your seasonal allergies, it’s always best to speak with your primary care physician to learn more about how best to manage your allergies.





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